LLC "Brooklyn-Kiev" has successfully implemented environmental management system in compliance with the requirements of the international standards, and maintains it at a proper level.
In October 2015, the company was successfully certified by BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION to the international standard ISO 14001:2004 ("Environmental Management System"). The company operating activities are carried out in accordance with the "Environmental Policy of LLC "Brooklyn-Kiev".
- The stationary emission points of the Grain Terminal are equipped with gas-cleaning plants of the latest generation, with the efficiency of gas cleaning up to 98.7%
- Grain cargo receipt, transportation and transfer operation lines have been designed and are operating in a non-waste production mode, i.e. all grain cargo handling waste remains in the special storage tanks of the operation line
- There has been introduced a procedure of separate collection and disposal of company production waste
- All operational procedures are performed in strict adherence to the operational flowcharts agreed and approved by the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Black Sea North-West Region
- A complete package of company environmental protection documents is available
In October 2017, the second supervisory audit for compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 was successfully conducted at LLC “Brooklyn-Kiev”.
Under the contract with the State Research and Development Institute of the Merchant Marine of Ukraine (UkrNIIMF), LLC “Brooklyn-Kiev” is currently monitoring the company production carbon footprinting (CO2). This work is performed as a condition of the loan agreement with the EBRD in accordance with the procedures "Carbon Footprinting for Ports. Guidance Document" (June 2010), “The World Ports Climate Initiative” (WPCI), regulatory requirements of Kyoto Protocol and other applicable regulatory documents of Ukraine.
In the course of 2016-2017, in LLC “Brooklyn-Kiev” operations there were traced emissions of 5 (five) types of pollutants and 4 (four) types of greenhouse gases. Based on the results of the analysis performed, a conclusion was made that the company operational activity shows positive dynamics in reduction of pollutant emission as the cargo turnover increases.