Prezident of LLC "Brooklyn-Kiev"
Yuri Gubankov
Dear Colleagues, Partners, Clients and Friends!
Thanks to our longstanding partnership, «Brooklyn-Kiev» Company from year to year is developing and improving its performance, never failing to astonish others with its massive projects implemented on the territory of Odessa Port.
The company innovation policy complies with the best global practices.
Transparency, efficiency, quality and reliability are the key principles of our work.
It is these principles owing to which we succeeded in obtaining a credit from the EBRD for construction of a grain transshipment complex that will shortly become one of the highest performing at the Black Sea.
Today Ukraine is undergoing a crisis. Political and economic instability, corruption, inadequacy of the law in respect of protection of investors’ interests, along with other factors have a negative impact on the image of our country, being a great obstacle for successful business operations.
Nevertheless, we are optimists!
As Winston Churchill put it: a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Therefore, we will DEVELOP OUR JOINT BUSINESS IN SPITE OF EVERYTHING.
LLC «Brooklyn-Kiev» Director General Yuriy GUBANKOV