The Cargo Terminal is designed for handling general, bulk, packaged and unitized cargo.
- Open storage yards with a total area of 16 ha for receipt and stockpiling of shipload lots are suitable for simultaneous placing of up to 120 thousand MT of rolled metal products
- Sheltered storage sites for receipt and stockpiling of shipload lots:
- raw sugar warehouse: simultaneous storage of up to 15 thousand MT of cargo, warehouse area is 1900 m2;
- two sheltered temporary storage sites for storing unitized cargo, total simultaneous storage of up to 3 thousand MT of cargo, storage site area is 3650 m2.
LLC «Brooklyn-Kiev» provides handling of general, bulk, packaged and unitized cargo, and renders the following services:
- receipt and unloading of cargo out of wagons/containers and from trucks
- allocation of cargo in unsheltered/sheltered storage areas
- vessel loading/unloading

Berth length - 170 m
Design berth depth – 9.7 m
Permissible LOA - 160 m
Permissible draft – 9.4 m
Maximum deadweight - 40 thousand tons
Berth No. 38 is equipped with:
gantry crane «Sokol-Ukraine», with a lifting capacity of 32 t.
The berth has a rail track due to which cargo can be handled directly from/to wagon to/from vessel.
The following types of cargo are handled at berth 38: rolled metal products, packaged and unitized cargo, cargo in big bags and grain cargo.

Berth length - 250 m
Design berth depth – 13.5 m
Permissible LOA - 240 m
Permissible draft – 12.7 m
Maximum deadweight - 73 thousand tons
Berth No. 43 is equipped with:
two gantry cranes of "Condor" type manufactured by Kranbau Eberswalde, with a lifting capacity of 40 MT each;
grain loader СПМ-1200, with a capacity of 1200 t/h, for transloading of grain cargo from the elevator of ZAO (closed joint stock company) «Ukrelevatorprom».

Berth No. 44:
Berth length -160 m
Design berth depth - 9.8 m
Permissible LOA - 160 m
Permissible draft - 9.7 m
Berth No.45:
Berth length -160 m
Design berth depth - 10.1 m
Permissible LOA - 160 m
Permissible draft - 10.1 m
Berths No. 44 and No. 45 are equipped with a grain loader for handling of grain from the elevator of "Odessa Grain Terminal" Branch of SE (state enterprise) "State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine"

Berth No. 46:
Berth length - 170 m
Design berth depth - 11.5 m
Permissible LOA - 180 m
Permissible draft - 11.5 m
Berth No. 47:
Berth length - 170 m
Design berth depth - 11.5 m
Permissible LOA - 170 m
Permissible draft - 11.5 m
Berths No. 46 and No. 47 are equipped with:
three gantry cranes of "Sokol" type, with a lifting capacity of 20 MT each;
two gantry cranes of «Sokol» type (hopper), of 16 MT lifting capacity each.
The following types of cargo are handled at berths 46 and 47: metal-roll (steel billets, steel coils, steel bars, iron rods, sheets in packs, steel sheets, slabs, steel angle, channel bars), ferrous-based alloys, raw sugar, grain and bulk cargo.

- five stations for wagon receipt and unloading;
- two rail track scales: strain gauge balance with a load capacity of 100 MT and mechanical scales of 150 MT load-bearing capacity;
- electronic hopper scales, electronic weighing bridge, electronic conveyer-belt weigher.

- tractor trucks of "Terberg" type;
- dump trucks of "МАЗ" type;
- bulldozers;
- locomotives;
- gantry cranes;
- mobile rubber-tyre cranes КС-5363.

Lift trucks:
- Kalmar 35 MT - 2 pcs;
- TCM 5 mt - 2 pcs;
- Sennebogen (mobile loader) to unload bulk cargo from open wagons - 2 pcs.
Gantry crane - 9 pcs.
DIER caterpillar crane, lifting capacity of 10.4 thousand tons – 2 pcs.
Mobile crane КС 5363, lifting capacity of 36 thousand tons – 3 pcs.
Bucket loaders:
- Kamatsu WA200 2,3 M3 - 3 pcs;
- Kamatsu WA380 3,7 M3 - 1 pc;
- Volvo 3,8 M3 - 1pc;
- Case 0.6 M3 - 3 pcs.