The staff of Brooklyn-Kyiv LLC, headed by its President Yuriy Gubankov, is deeply saddened

The staff of Brooklyn-Kyiv LLC, headed by its President Yuriy Gubankov, is deeply saddened by the irreparable loss of our colleague, First Deputy General Director Olena Aliyeva, who passed away unexpectedly.
Olena worked at Brooklyn-Kyiv LLC for more than 30 years. Her knowledge, professionalism and high level of competence made a great contribution to the development of our company. She was talented, successful, always achieved her goals. She was a model of hard work, dedication and attitude to work. Her smile, apt words and warmth will forever be etched in the memory of her colleagues. A beautiful woman who loved life and gave people goodness and joy.
May the kind, bright memory of Olena forever remain in the hearts of her family, colleagues, and all those who knew, loved, and honored her.

We express our sincere condolences to the family of Olena.

Eternal bright memory to our colleague and friend.